Clears Congested Sinuses
Cleanux clears sinus congestion by flushing the nasal cavity removing mucus buildup and all irritants, reducing inflammation, and promoting sinus drainage
Relieves Allergy Symptoms
Cleanux alleviates allergy symptoms by washing away allergens like pollen or dust that can cause nasal irritation and symptoms.
Improves Nose Breathing
There is no better feeling that a deep breathe through the nose, and Cleanux is engineered just to give you this amazing feeling again by flushing out anything that can obstruct it!
Eases Headaches & Pressure
Cleanux moistens and drains mucus buildups from nasal passages, which cuts down on the pressure and helps relieve the pain
Improves Sleep & Tiredness
Flushing accumulated mucus and buildup from your sinuses just before going to bed, keeps your airways clear, and prevents congestion while you're sleeping soundly!
Silences Snoring
Cleanux silences snoring by flushing the sinuses to remove obstructions and reduce swelling, allowing air to pass freely through the nose!